Sunday 1 July 2012

Still more artillery

Nothing much to report, just more RA, which I'm still enjoying. Here are some pics of the progress. Obviously I need to base them, and there's still  a ton of painting to be done.

I wanted the guns and limbers (as well as the men's trousers!) to look suitably muddy so I had fun splashing a bit of watery brown everywhere.

 Realising that I needed a lot more Royal Artillery Drivers and horses etc (and that's just for THIS battery!) I got a few reinforcements from the Perrys which arrived very promptly. I splashed out on a waggon too, it comes with this idle chap - my new Favourite Figure Ever, one of those sculpts that I paint with trepidation, certain that I'll never do it justice!

1 comment:

  1. That is a very nice figure, I suspect that it will be somewhere in my future purchases.

